Survivor Living on the Edge S30 E9

I am still pissed about Sierra betraying the women and staying with the Blue Collars, R A G.

All the sudden Rodney, in his confessional, is talking about flipping on the BC’s.

Jenn is talking about leaving the game?!

Reward Challenge 

Chocolate Reward Survivor

Winners go to the Chocolate Cafe!  Featuring Snickers, Twix, M&M’s and DOVE! I think if I was out there for 20+ days and saw chocolate, I would cry.  They look like they might:


Jeff lets them each have ONE M&M to whet their appetite! lol.  They all savor it! I would let it melt in my mouth, you know what I mean, til its soft and then the chocolate melts and you are left with a delicious salty peanut. YUM.

Reward Challenge

It’s a pretty tough challenge on the water.  Blue wins.  Even though they are one tribe, they really are two.

Wow this looks so good! plus = they serve the chocolate with a BIG bowl of salty popcorn, AMAZING!

Chocolate Rewards

Shirine is with the Blues so she seems to think she has a new start with them, especially after this win.

When the others get back to camp, they are deflated.  They decided they are having chicken tonight.  Jenn hates to kill the chicken so …. she is pissed.

Sooooo I didn’t realize but Rodney is back with the others, so he did not go with the other blues and Shirine to the Reward. They are bonding while he does a dead-on imitation of Mike.  Hmmm, maybe this is his chance for a blindside!

Jenn is done, she is ready to quit and give Joe her spot.

Immunity Challenge

Immunity Challenge

The person voted off tonight joins Hailey and is the second person on the Jury.

Joe is the first to wobble, but he hangs on while others drop out, this dude is amazing.


Joe finally drops out, then Jenn, so Tyler wins.  Boo.

Joe loses Immunity

Tribal Council

Jenn talks about how she is over it all and Jeff tells her she can leave. She says she will not quit, she just doesn’t care anymore.  Shirine says she is saying that so she won’t seem like a threat and they will keep her around.  People look like they wonder if that is true.

Jen is not amused.

Jenn not amused

Mike pulls his idol out and wants to play it for Will.

Mike plays fake immunity

But Jeff’s can’t accept it, it’s fake! Hilarious!  Joe planted it!!!  Mike is an idiot, I am so glad he looked like a fool!

Mike duped on Survivor

joe jenn shirine laugh

After the vote though, the UNCOOLEST people in Survivor history are against some of the coolest.  It is between Jenn and Joe. Joe goes home.

I call bullshit.